"It's only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away." —Bee Gees
A decent mystery set in a charming village in Quebec, Canada. True to the Miss Marple tradition, even cozy villages have their share of darkness running underneath. The book also made me learn a bit about French/English tensions in the largely Francophone region. The omniscient point of view allows the readers glimpses into the thoughts of any character including minor ones—and even, oddly enough, those of an animal. The writing can be clunky at times, with some details or descriptions written in a rather confusing way.
The author has written at least a dozen more mysteries in this series but I don't think I will continue with it for now, and not just because of the writing. I liked the main investigator, the quiet, wise and insightful Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, and his partnership with his second in command, the more logical Inspector Jean Guy Beauvoir. However, several supporting characters annoyed me—I don't feel like enduring another novel with Ruth Zardo or Yvette Nichol in it. The mystery in this one is quite intriguing though, with a focus on the psychology of murder.